My K9-My Friend, took a bullet

Kyle Shoberg Season 1 Episode 1

This officer involved shooting that occurred outside a mall in Northern California will be explored by news anchor Viviana Sarrade and Law Enforcement instructor Marlon Marrache.  
Kyle a K9 handler  officer and his partner are  engaged in looking for a burglary suspect in a nearby building when they get a call about a shooting at the mall directly across the street from their location. It will be their decision to abandon their current search to attend to this call when the  wild gun exchange occurs .

Here's a little information about our guest Kyle Shoberg,  is a Police Sergeant serving in Northern California. He has 16 years of law enforcement experience and 7 years as a K9 Handler. In 2014, Kyle was assigned to the K9 unit, where he currently serves as the unit supervisor. During his time in K9, Kyle worked with the SWAT team and is POST certified in SWAT & K9 Interacting During Deployment (SKIDDs).

Coin Media Group/
Produced at The World Famous Coin

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